The podcast is also available via iTunes by clicking here

Well this is the fourth one and
still going strong. Now with added play via the new international independent
internet (gosh so many i words there) radio station Acoustic Spectrum. Huge thanks
go to Neil King of Fatea
magazine and all involved with this fantastic new international radio
station helping with all things indie! Make sure you check out New Music Connection too
which is a growing resource and community seeking to help support independent
music talent from the word go. I could not do the scheme/programme/community
justice here so check it out for yourself because it is a truly amazing idea
that is on the move here. I will most likely do a little bit of a write up
about it at some point in the future.

As usual there has been a slight alteration to the playlist compared with what I envisaged would be included but the three missed out will most certainly be featuring in the coming episodes. You can count on it.
The Playlist:
- Intro - Everybody Looks Famous
- Falling Lights - Everybody Looks Famous
- Alone - Falling Faster
- Missing Out, Moving On - Jody Has a Hitlist
- Chapters - Whitemoor
- Anomaly - Silverbox
- Follow Me Down - The Slow Readers Club
- If I Had a Boat - James Vincent McMorrow
- Song of Sisyphus - Nick Burbridge & Tim Cotterell
- Mortal Longing - Sleepthief featuring Jody Quine

Please check out Taking Hayley who are
asking for support and assistance in getting their debut album, Tricks and
Games released on time after coming up against some unfortunate incidents. They
are a four piece rock band from my dear hometown of Birmingham and started out in November 2010.
They have been building themselves up a reputation through their gigs and have
a couple of really cool videos online.

CD Central.
A bumper delivery of CDs arrived for me last week which has kept me incredibly busy. Aside from the review of Duke Special's Oh Poineer I posted on Monday (the day of its release), my ears were also listening lots to the banging tunes of Lightfire thanks to their three track EP (which I urge you to buy for just £1 >>here<<) and the fantastic debut album from The Dreaming Spires, Brothers in Brooklyn.
That's not all either as I received a promo copy of the forthcoming third album from Kathryn Roberts and Sean Lakeman, Hidden People which after attending one of their gigs in February I have been waiting in anticipation for ever since. Check out my review of that gig here on the blog. My love for Kathryn and Sean's music demonstrates the more folky roots I like from time to time and this album has been years in the making. Well, sort of as they have been bringing up their twins as well as Sean keeping incredibly busy as a prolific guitarist repeatedly playing in the band that accompanies brother Seth on his tours, and well sought after music producer. I'll write a full review but there are some proper moving songs on Hidden People so why not check out a few samples below. Experiencing both Huldra and The Ballad of Andy Jacobs played live is pretty much beyond words but this recorded version of Huldra is simply put, out of this world!!
That's not all either as I received a promo copy of the forthcoming third album from Kathryn Roberts and Sean Lakeman, Hidden People which after attending one of their gigs in February I have been waiting in anticipation for ever since. Check out my review of that gig here on the blog. My love for Kathryn and Sean's music demonstrates the more folky roots I like from time to time and this album has been years in the making. Well, sort of as they have been bringing up their twins as well as Sean keeping incredibly busy as a prolific guitarist repeatedly playing in the band that accompanies brother Seth on his tours, and well sought after music producer. I'll write a full review but there are some proper moving songs on Hidden People so why not check out a few samples below. Experiencing both Huldra and The Ballad of Andy Jacobs played live is pretty much beyond words but this recorded version of Huldra is simply put, out of this world!!
Actors That Sing.
Being a good actor certainly
doesn't mean being a good singer but two I've been following over the last few
months have made that leap into music with promising success. Iwan Rheon aka Simon from
the smash hit BAFTA award-winning E4 TV show Misfits has gradually
been releasing some beautiful acoustic tracks via Soundcloud and up on his
Facebook page. He's incredibly talented having starred in a musical, films, TV
and now with added music to the mix. His voice offers a really delicate yet raw
sound to his accompanying guitar.

Fatea Showcases:

What's great about the showcase sessions though, is they are exclusively available for a three month period after which they will never be available again. You can download the current sessions via a ZIP file which contains high quality music files. Available at present (until 31st July 2012) is Tracks - Summer 12 packed with 18 stonkingly beautiful tunes for your free listening pleasure.
At no cost to yourself why wouldn't you check them out and discover something new and golden you may not have known existed beforehand? This is in line with another primary aim of my podcast too. To bring new music to people as well as the people/fans to the bands and artists. Of course you must remember that while free to you the music herein has been created at a cost to the artists in terms of their time, effort, money and creativity. So, if you check these out and you enjoy one or two (or more) do visit their own websites, follow up on their gigs and purchase yourself an album/EP (or more).
Again, as with my own podcast, the tracks featured in these sessions span different genres which makes for a more eclectic mix for you to enjoy and will thus cater for wider tastes as opposed to any one in particular.
Get your FREE download of TRACKS by clicking >>> HERE <<< now!
There are some blisteringly fantastic songs to enjoy so get listening to it and find your next favourite. One of my favourites so far has been Michael MacLennan who I believe has real star quality demonstrated in this one song, Wolves.
Rainy Boy Sleep who
featured in Band
of Badgers Present #2 has been working on his new EP and asking him
about a release date recently, he's mentioned it could possibly, hopefully be
out towards the end of July. Very excited about this from a magnificent
performer so keep your ears to attention for it and if you haven't checked out
his music yet...what the heck do you think you're playing at? Get to it before
I have to set Poppy Cat on you. Sample it below then head to iTunes
to grab yourself a bargain!
Well to wrap things up for this one then I'll just mention how incredibly excited I am about the imminent Editors gig, which is next Wednesday 27th June up in Birmingham. Not since 2009 have I been able to catch them and following the slight change in line-up I'm hoping we get to hear some new tunes from the guys in anticipation of a fourth album. Full report to come in due course.
As always thanks to Mark Blasco at podcastthemes for the intro theme tune. The song Drop of Rain by Mark will be featuring next time.
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