I say it again and again but I will say it again and again and then again some more! Soooooooooooo much music!! I am drowning in it but you know what? I like this kind of drowning. I want more of the drowning please, so long may it continue to pour in by the ocean load. Do keep it coming folks.
I recently had a load of new bands start following me on Soundcloud. This is in addition to the many who have done and continue to do so on Twitter. I sincerely wish I could get through you all in better time but there's just too much. Seriously, when I started doing this more so a year ago I thought I was drowning in it then but now it is a phenomenal amount. A staggering amount! There is so much fantastic music out there in the world. Away from the humdrum rubbish from repetitive commercial or public radio stations. So much unsigned stuff that is just completely insane that it isn't signed. Still, I'd say a lot of those are in a better position for themselves than if they were snapped up by some huge record label and then molded into something they are not. It happens and will continue to happen so long as the soulless executives (most who know little about quality music) only see £'s (or $ or whatever your currency) in the acts. With all these unsigned independent bands and artists, I understand there's not a huge amount I can do to assist but for every one music fan who stumbles upon this humble little music blog to see what it's all about, all the acts I feature may gain one more fan. One more person to add to their free download figures, or their YouTube viewing figures. Or even indeed one more person to buy some of the quality music on offer at such reasonable and affordable prices.
I am going through as much as I can given my limited time so hopefully I'll get through most, if not all of it. Eventually. It may take a while so 'bear with'. I'm still waiting for that sponsor to give me a job doing this full time. I won't hold my breath or else I'll be finished quite quickly and won't be able to do even this. Jesse Korby of US rock band Wings of Apollo wrote a perfect piece about making music and the current state of the music industry. You should give it a read >>here<<. Make sure you check out their tunes as well. I will be playing two tracks from their debut album on podcast #14. I had to settle with two and it took me long enough to get it down to just those. HELL YEAH!!!!
I am going through as much as I can given my limited time so hopefully I'll get through most, if not all of it. Eventually. It may take a while so 'bear with'. I'm still waiting for that sponsor to give me a job doing this full time. I won't hold my breath or else I'll be finished quite quickly and won't be able to do even this. Jesse Korby of US rock band Wings of Apollo wrote a perfect piece about making music and the current state of the music industry. You should give it a read >>here<<. Make sure you check out their tunes as well. I will be playing two tracks from their debut album on podcast #14. I had to settle with two and it took me long enough to get it down to just those. HELL YEAH!!!!
Anywho, with my regular famous ramble out of the way let's crack on and actually get some of this fantastic music shared. That is, after all, what it is all about! Like I say, there is so much music and every day more and more gets added to the list. I should be (and am) working on two other posts at the moment I write this. Multitasking, oh yes. I honestly could do with staff but I can't even afford to pay myself. Right! On with the MUSIC.

Welcome Pariah are not pop I wouldn't say but they do have everything that goes with sounding like this alternative rock and pop a la Britpop. They are better, in fact. Why? Just listen. The guitar work on Liberty Pill for a start. Not just that, though, it's the whole package. How flawlessly their sound comes together and the results to our ears. It's easy to see why they have already supported bands and musicians like Steve Cradock (Ocean Colour Scene/Paul Weller), The Moons, Mark Morris (The Bluetones), Chris Helme (The Seahorses) and The Dexters.
Londoners and all those music fans visiting at the time need to pencil (or type - does anyone still use pencils these days?) in Friday 26th April because the band are playing the most prestigious rock and roll club night This Feeling at The Macbeth in Shoreditch. This will be the gig to launch their new single Neither Here Nor There, which you can listen to above. Smashing isn't it?! Trounces on and blows out the water all the humdrum, mundane rubbish that is technically 'popular' because you're all told it is so.

They are currently working on new material to showcase at the live gigs and will be getting their heads down in the studio to record more tracks for a longer release. Bring it on, I say. I need more tunes from this band please and soon.
25th April - RMA Tavern, Portsmouth
26th April - This Feeling Club Night, The Macbeth, London
27th April - The Essex Arms, Brentwood
10th May - This Feeling Club Night, Cellar, Southampton
11th May - Pulse Festival, Sunnyfields Farm, Hampshire
17th May - Lennons, Supporting Catfish and the Bottlemen, Southampton
24th May - Coburgs, Ryde, Isle of Wight
25th May - The Tap, Sandown, Isle of Wight
8th June - The Adam & Eve, Scooterists For Heroes, Birmingham
14/15th June - March of the Mods Festival, Santa Pod Raceway, Wellingborough
21st June - The Fiddlers Elbow, Cool Britannia, Camden, London
29th June - The Good Ship, Kilburn, London
19/20/21st July - Tonefest, Dorset
26th July - Gabefest 5, Hampshire
2nd August - Frolic Fest, Kent
This is one of those just added to my ever-growing list. Like literally just added the very evening I began writing up this post. Thanks to someone on Facebook posting the video. Goodbye Stereo are an alternative rock band who will be releasing their debut album Island, on 24th May. Have a watch of the video for this single Waves which is also available as a FREE download at the band's Soundcloud page >>here<<.
I fully intended to share more from this amazing singer-songwriter long before now but you know how it is. This is another video I came across a tweet for literally as I was gearing to write this post. I have to do this though or else it could be ages before I get back around to it. As I hadn't featured Sean Taylor in far too long, here it is. You can subscribe to his YouTube channel for more and to keep updated on any new videos that go up. The Road is stunning! It was recorded in London last October and features the talented percussionist James Taylor.

In the meantime grab yourself his latest album, Love Against Death, a sampler for which is below:
That headline/title says it all really. This is the debut EP from Dorset-based indie-pop group Let's Go Safari. What we have here is a wonderful amalgamation of all that's great about indie pop music. These guys add to what I've shared before in what REAL pop music should be and is about. None of that rubbish played on endless repeat on some radio stations. You know the sort I mean, just nonsensical noise for the most part. Curiosity Killed from Let's Go Safari offers up well constructed pop beats. Tunes that will get inside your head the way pop should, but ones that have substance to them. A dash of alternative rock sounds thrown into the mix make them something much more than general pop. This is fun music and after such a terribly long winter, they make the sun shine even if it isn't out to greet us with its presence. The EP is released on 28th April on Red Dragon Records. http://www.letsgosafari.co.uk/
I get so busy finding new music from everywhere around the globe it is true I have neglected Northampton a little (okay, a lot). This is not in any way intentional of course. Just the sheer amount of it I have sent or that comes my way, it gets impossible to focus on any particular geographical area. In the past I have made a point of supporting the Midlands local talent, particularly Birmingham as that is where my roots are. That is where I am from (minus the dodgy accent I must add - not that there's anything wrong with it - accents are fun).
More recently I've been setting things right by looking into more music from the Northampton area. Thanks first to Lew Bear who I shared a few posts back, and now Will Rogers. Will is a self-taught singer-songwriter, well-known on the local open mic nights circuit for his clever lyrics, guitar rhythms and catchy choruses. He recorded this debut EP, Breaking Boat, last September and you NEED to go buy it from iTunes >>here<<. Just check out the tunes for yourselves and then get clicking the links. Click, click, click and own some top music for just £2.49.
It took me long enough to get on to Northampton music but it is me who has been missing out on this. Such local talent needs supporting that's for sure. Expect more from Will on the blog in due course. It goes without saying I have little excuse to miss gigs given they are literally on my doorstep and I''m really looking forward to seeing him live.
What's great about Will is how he brings a host of different styles to the table. He goes from the emotive and sublime of title track Breaking Boat and Forever Dreaming (already instant favourites of mine) to the faster, busier More and Unplanned. He's now added a loop pedal enabling him to build up his live show offerings. The excellent Cracked, above, demonstrates what we can expect from this. https://www.facebook.com/willrogersofficial
Now, I reckon I know a fair bit of music. That's handy, you may think considering I write this here musical blog. And yet I may very well know a fair bit of music spanning a number of genres, but my knowledge is the smallest tip of the biggest iceberg. How can I have not come across Bell X1 before now I ask myself? Thankfully, I don't answer myself. That would be the time to worry. This 'find', if I can call it thus, comes courtesy of my wonderful contacts at Prescription PR (this time with thanks to James, but I must also give a shout out to Jay again who sent me The Webb Sisters EP, featured below - not forgetting Ellie too who is always sending me some awesome music, most recently Dave McPerson, who will be featuring in a future post).
The video for Starlings moved me quite deeply too. The music fits the flight of the mesmerizing murmuration of starlings so perfectly I'll be hearing it in my head every time I see a flock of birds take flight. It's as if the two are intricately linked on some spiritual level. For the simplicity of these tunes, they are breathtaking and I am left ravenous for the remaining 7 tracks. http://bellx1.com/
Leonard Cohen refers to Charley and Hattie Webb as "the sublime Webb Sisters". And he should know as the sisters are backing singers to the mighty Canadian music legend. A listen to this, their latest EP (but my first) When Will You Come Home and it becomes instantly apparent why he calls them thus. They have harmonies so beautiful I think sending them to a galaxy far far away a long time ago and all they'd need to do would be to sing and The Force would come into balance. Just like that. No more Empire, no more death and destruction at the hands of the Sith and their dark side cause (even though personally I am a Sith fan, I must confess). Just an opening line and The Webb Sisters would bring peace to the universe.
Even as this EP is released the sisters are in the midst of a very long Leonard Cohen tour. There are 5 magnificent tracks on the record including a few new songs, two stunning versions of Cohen's own Show Me The Place and also a wonderful cover of Elvis classic Always On My Mind. If songs could be diamond encrusted then opening track Missing Person would sparkle as bright as any star in the night sky. It instantly sets the mood and there's no doubt you are in for a real gentle musical treat. Something special from a terrifically talented duo. Then they stun you with that wonderful version of Always On My Mind which I could happily listen to on repeat for years. Years, I tell thee. Head to their online shop >>here<< which has links to the various places you can buy their music. Alternatively head to the ProperMusic website to get a CD from there.
There are no limits to their achievements and abilities with proficiency not only vocally but as accomplished multi-instrumentalists. There is guitar, piano, mandolin and drums as you might expect from such a skilled duo but also harp, to boot. Harp! This to match their divine vocal sound. Drawing from the British and US folk pop traditions, The Webb Sisters have recorded three albums and built up a following on their extensive touring around the globe. They have also performed for royalty, twice for Princess Anne and once for The Queen. (Never thought I'd be writing those two names in a music blog post.) The sisters were also invited to sing on Sting's album If On A Winter's Night and have toured with the likes of Jamie Cullum, Rufus Wainwright (legend), Jason Mraz, James Morrison, Katie Melua and Joe Echo. http://www.thewebbsisters.com/
I wasn't sure what I should expect from The Scholars guitarist Chris Gillett's solo EP Secret Sin. As part of the band he plays some pretty awesome guitar. This solo project is a completely different approach and sound. It is one that works damn well too. The 6 tracks comprising this collection demonstrate the diverse range of Chris' abilities and talents. Just how he is able to use so many different individual sounds, manipulate them, tweak them here and then a bit more there. All using vocals and acoustic guitar. The guitar comes through wonderfully on opening track Promise and also on my personal favourite Your Eyes Depict All The Time You Wasted On Me.
I love how ambient it is overall but that really comes to the fore with tracks like Paranoia. There's a real menace behind it. The paranoid atmosphere is built up nicely, leaving you looking around you before too long. Then again on Your Eyes, Chris has built up a sense of such depth it feels like if you fall you'll never hit the bottom. The lyrics are incredibly thought-provoking, highly emotive, and at times on the darker side but they are a perfect match to the music. There's an electronic undercurrent throughout, something that comes fully to the surface on Stay and reminds me of some Aphex Twin. Secret Sin is fantastic and quite accomplished considering it is only a debut. It isn't just moody by default either, it pulls you right in to those moods so you can taste and smell them. This is definitely one you should be checking out and when it's available for just £1 what are you waiting for?? http://chrisgillett.bandcamp.com/
It do be time for some bacon! I must apologise to the good Mr Alex Harford of The Cakes because I have been planning to feature this since some time in February. Such is the hectic nature of all the music toppling down on me. I'm still loving it so please keep sending it and just accept my most humble of apologies for any delay in me sharing stuff.
Believe In Bacon is the latest EP from this indie post-punk alternative pop rock band from Newstokastle-Underon-Lentyme. Sounds like a magical fantasy land doesn't it? A land where bacon cakes are a delicacy of the noble lords. The 3-track collection is available from their bandcamp page as a FREE download but if The Cakes get some money they can make a full album and this is something that needs to happen. It could even be a concept album based in this bacon cake filled fantasy world. The noble House of The Cakes (complete with their cakey sigil on their cakey banners) are at war with House Bacon (complete with....well you get the picture). Am I taking it too far? Apologies, but the humour of these guys and their penchant for wordplay is infectious. Their lyrics are lighthearted packing enough humour to render you
laughing like you've been on laughing gas. The music is interesting,
moody and atmospheric.Overall, this is inspiring, original music
Love this, taken from their bandcamp site: the music is usually lighthearted and fun, but occasionally dark...like The Clash tickling Spandau Ballet and accidentally beheading them. https://www.facebook.com/thecakesband
Described on their Facebook page as the soundtrack to a wild, liquor-fuelled hoe-down is enough to entice people in by the jet load! Bringing the alternative country rock from across the Atlantic and rooting it deep in the UK is not an easy task by any stretch. Okay, not ALL the US bands or artists in the genre are going to be amazing but when people from different lands take up the mantle and make the sound their own, they have to be given the credit. When it is as spot on and awesome as what The Cedars achieve there should be awards flying here, there and everywhere.
Their debut album Little Copper Still was released digitally on 11th March this year. A physical CD release followed on 8th April. So, I'm not too late then with this one although this is not an album review. Not yet anyway. I just wanted to feature them because what I've heard so far fills me with joy. It is snap your fingers, strum the guitar, pick the banjo fuelled beauty, with a bad ass bass and drum beat to boot!
The band also contributed the song Used Cars to their record label's (Clubhouse Records) superb tribute album to mark the 30th anniversary of Bruce Springsteen's Nebraska. There are some live dates up on their website so get checking them out as they get ready to to dazzle folk at a few festivals. My time to be dazzled by them will come at Wood Festival where they will also partake in re-creating the Nebraska tribute gig they participated in with the other Clubhouse Records acts. My apologies for having to keep this brief but there will be more from The Cedars in the future. http://www.thecedarsonline.com/
I must agree with Leeds Music Scene when they say Happy Daggers are 'One of the hottest acts on the scene' because it is true! This is the kind of energetic indie rock n soul that will get the most lethargic of listeners up off their backsides to have a little boogey. It is absolutely awesome stuff and I wish it wasn't only a 'thing just in' feature because I'd like to explore them much more. I will do soon enough though so expect more from this terrific band in the near future. Their musical craftmanship is of the highest quality and the production is stunning. I fell instantly for the vocals as well. This has the lot. There has been something missing from the music scene, I think and finally Happy Daggers show up with this superb solution. https://www.facebook.com/happydaggersband
25, 26, 27, 28 JULY 2013
Amadou & Mariam (Fri)
The Staves (Sun) Tommy Emmanuel
Thea Gilmore (Sat) The
Rambling Boys of Pleasure (Sat/Sun) Darrell
Scott (Fri)
Emily Barker & The Red Clay Halo (Fri) Jamie Smith’s Mabon (Thurs)
The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band (Sun) Valerie June (Sun)
Ross Couper & Tom Oakes (Fri) Blair Dunlop (Sat) Ewan McLennan (Sat)
Nick Mulvey (Sun) Emma Sweeney (Sun)
Marika Hackman (Thurs) Hudson Taylor (Fri) Common
Tongues (Fri)
Blue Rose Code (Sat) Rae Morris (Sun)
The Mavericks (Sat) The Waterboys (Sun) Bellowhead (Fri)
KT Tunstall (Sat) Levellers (Fri)
Liam O’Flynn, Andy Irvine, Paddy Glackin & Dónal
Lunny aka LAPD (Fri) Capercaillie (Sun) Shelby Lynne (Sat) BeauSoleil avec Michael Doucet (Sat/Sun) Heritage Blues Orchestra (Sat) Patty Griffin (Fri) Lucy Rose (Thurs)
Martin Carthy & Dave
Swarbrick (Sun) Mud Morganfield Band (Sun)
Martin Simpson (Sat/Sun) Le Vent du Nord (Sat/Sun) Sam Lee & Friends (Fri) Breabach (Sat/Sun) Heidi Talbot (Sat/Sun) The Chair (Sat/Sun)
Mokoomba (Sat) Willy Mason (Thurs) The Bombay
Royale (Fri)
Bella Hardy & The
Midnight Watch (Sat) Kathryn Roberts & Sean Lakeman (Thurs)
John Hegley (Sun) Frigg (Fri/Sat) Larkin Poe (Thurs/Fri)
Jim Moray’s Silent
Ceilidh (Sat) Brian McNeill (Fri/Sat) We Banjo 3 (Sat/Sun) Korrontzi (Fri/Sat) Sketch (Sun)
Monster Ceilidh Band (Fri)
State Of The Union (Sat) English
String Band (Fri) The Willows (Thurs)
Greg Russell &
Ciaran Algar (Sat/Sun) Rusty Shackle (Thurs)
The Brass Funkeys (Thurs) Peter Buckley Hill (Sun)
No sooner as our rather late Spring sprung than the 2013 festival season will soon be upon us too. Look out for my Wood Festival post coming up very shortly but in the meantime I MUST share with you the final announcement about Europe's most acclaimed folk festival. I was sincerely wishing, dreaming and even preying that I would be able to make this festival a part of my 2013 mission of coverage for the blog. BUT, sadly due to the regular financial issues it just can't be done. Maybe next year, ay? Anywho, just because I'm unable to attend doesn't stop me featuring news and information about it on here. Who knows, as tis' the season and all that perhaps there will be some miracle and I'll bag that job in music journalism or PR meaning I can go after all. We have to dream.
If I had time I would cry for not being able to make it as there are acts on this smashing line-up I desperately want to see live. Like, headliners Bellowhead, The Waterboys and KT Tunstall for instance, but that merely scratches the surface. What I'd give to see Thea Gilmore, Blair Dunlop and Ewan McLennan. There's the legend that is Patty Griffin, the legend that is becoming Willy Mason; not to mention legends in their own rights given their masterful musicianship and flawless vocals such as Larkin Poe, Lucy Rose and Sam Lee. *whispers and gestures you to come closer* 'Come here, there's more...' The BBC Radio 2 Folk Award winning duo Kathryn Roberts & Sean Lakeman will delight festival goers with their sublime mix of traditional folk songs with their own unique contemporary twists. Expect many a tune from their most recent fabulous album, Hidden People. Those mighty Levellers will headline the Friday night with folk juggenaut Bellowhead. That alone ought to start you jigging and moshing into a momentum that won't cease until Sunday!

Tell some people (mostly people not quite so much into music) you're going to a folk festival and you may get a funny look. Or a stunned silence before being handed some tweed or something. One thing I've always noticed about Cambridge is how it embraces diversity with the genres of music it promotes. On the one hand you have the folk punk rock of The Levellers, balanced out by the more traditional folk but nevertheless rock-infused Bellowhead. While there is this and a range of much more, there will always be many an act for the more traditionalist fans. Look no further than folkists The Rambling Boys of Pleasure, a group boasting some of the finest musicians on the Irish traditional music scene. A long way from home and passing through on Friday is US singer, writer and guitarist Darrell Scott with his addictive alternative country soaked heavily in and dripping with boisterous blues. From even further afield you'll be treated to the compelling, the stunning, the magnificence of Western Australia's Emily Barker & The Red Clay Halo. That will be one not to miss, if you ask me! Take heed please folks.
As mentioned, this festival supports up and coming talent and this year the five acts selected to play prestigious showcases in the Club Tent are, Ross Couper & Tom Oakes; acclaimed Scottish singer-songwriter Ewan McLennan (who's music has been described as 'a mix of the Tradition, social history and political awareness'); founding member of Mercury Prize nominated Portico Quartet Nick Mulvey; exhilarating fiddle player Emma Sweeney; and last but certainly by no means least will be the 2013 BBC Folk Horizon Award winner Blair Dunlop. (Previous examples include Seth Lakeman, Karine Polwart, Newton Faulkner, Rachel Unthank, Jackie Oates and Jim Moray)
Dens were the 'in thing' at one point weren't they? I think they had started going out of fashion (if that even applies in this case?) during my childhood but I remember we had one on some recreation grounds at the back of my Nan's garden. It felt pretty cool to us, anyway. We were about 6 or 7 so judge us not harshly. Anyway, I digress and must not. The Den is the acclaimed fourth stage at the festival. It plays host to some top quality emerging talent across the weekend including: 20-year old folk singer Marika Hackman, who has already been receiving attention from Radio 1; fresh from supporting Jake Bugg on tour will be busking YouTube sensations Hudson Taylor, featuring Irish brothers Harry and Alfie who have blown me clean away with their stunning music; Brighton-based 5-piece indie folk band Common Tongues who continued the theme by blowing me away with such magnificent music - such great stuff.
So let's see then: International headline artists and young emerging talent will be singing and playing their wares across FOUR stages this July. The quality and calibre of acts drawn to perform at Cambridge Folk Festival is a chief reason why year after year it enjoys sell-out success! There's its beautiful and unique parkland location, its superb facilities and family-oriented nature; it really offers something for EVERYONE. From street theatre, music workshops and sessions to open stages, a youth area and even an internet cafe for you to plug yourself in for your online fix. There's a free creche if you parents need a wee break, including a paddling pool and playground. Most importantly of course - well, okay not really MOST importantly but pretty important, in my book anyway - there are REAL ALE bars.
For online booking please visit: www.cambridgefolkfestival.co.uk
Phone booking, call: 01223 357 851
Tickets: FULL FESTIVAL: £126; Thursday £20; Friday £45; Saturday £55; Sunday £55. CAMPING: (Full Festival tickets only, per 2-3 berth tent) Cherry Hinton £54, Coldhams Common (second site) £37. Online bookings are subject to a booking fee.
Another HUGE thank you to Jay Taylor at Prescription PR for the Press Release for this festival. Tweet
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