Bonjour. Salut! Allo! Allo! Fear not, this
episode is not going to be in French. As cool as that would be I don't have
anywhere near the kind of language skills that would require. It was fun
speaking French when passing through Paris last
year on the way to Rome ,
however. I think I managed considerably well given the only use of the language
I seem to make these days is during some office banter at work. Maybe in the
future then (just kidding). This episode of the podcast I've reserved for a
revisit to a number of bands and artists who I've played on previous occasions.
I know I've played others twice already and I'll continue to play others from
time to time as well. More than twice in fact. Take the likes of Sam Beeton.
I'm surprised this is only his second appearance because like I mention in the
show I purchased the amazing deluxe 2 CD album of season 1 of his Record Club,
which you can buy >>here<<. Therefore,
I could play several podcasts made up just from Sam's tremendous tunes. And I
would but it would of course be unfair to the so many others I also want to
share. I just wanted to do this one special show as a nod and thank you to all
for letting me play their fantastic music on Band of Badgers Presents.

I must mention I'm yet to complete a write up of the Campervan proposal I put out there last time but I am on it. I have a bit more time before I think I need to be approaching potential sponsors. I am so going to go ahead with it because what do I have to lose? The worst thing they can all do is say no or not reply. It's one of those kinds of things where you need to keep on going with it. To keep running with it and so I plan to do just that. I finally found time to catch up with another hilarious episode of Flight of the Conchords recently. What made me laugh so hard I was almost in pain was the mention of a campervan gig they did. It was a sell out. With an audience capacity of one it was going to be of course. So funny! The guys then went on to play several gigs in a lift (elevator). I hope the tour Down Under is going well for the guys and really hope they head over to the UK next for some dates. I am just about half way through season 2 now so I have plenty of episodes left to keep me entertained. And then the radio show to follow. Also in that last episode I watched, their crazed demented obsessive and only fan, Mel, got her own song. I'll stop rambling on about it now anyway but I urge you to check it out if you haven't before. You can also hear their Bowie's in Space song in podcast #3. There so should be more shows like this on TV. It would make TV a much more interesting place.
Bakewell Music Festival was great. It was a really nice intimate and chilled out event. Any more laid back and I'd have been lying on a lilo floating on a swimming pool in the Bahamas, I think. Not a bad thing by any means. I'm currently finishing off part 2 of Truck Festival so once that's done and online I'll get right on to the Bakewell one because I have so much music from it I'd like to share I'm almost bursting to get on with it. I won those tickets as well so I'm doing pretty well so far this year.
I must mention briefly, Blue Ridge Mountains by Fleet Foxes came on my iPod shuffle for the walk home from work on Friday (that's right there was no jog this time - it was the end of the week and I was beat). It is amazing how it totally transformed the landscape. I was walking through greenery at the time near to the bank of the river Nene so it already wasn't too bad. This song however managed to raise mountains in the distance. It moved me somewhere else with considerable force. This is part of the beauty of music!

I must mention briefly, Blue Ridge Mountains by Fleet Foxes came on my iPod shuffle for the walk home from work on Friday (that's right there was no jog this time - it was the end of the week and I was beat). It is amazing how it totally transformed the landscape. I was walking through greenery at the time near to the bank of the river Nene so it already wasn't too bad. This song however managed to raise mountains in the distance. It moved me somewhere else with considerable force. This is part of the beauty of music!
The Playlist:
- Twenty Three - fiN
- Into the Sky - T. J. Courtney
- Shadow Kisses - Mutineers
- Three Words - Whitemoor
- Rain Down On You (Live) - Sam Beeton
- Less Is More (Live) - Angel Kelly
- Butterfly - Andrew Page
- Tell Me - Aidan Logan
- Faults & Fears - Luke Jackson
- Back To The Sea - Under A Banner
- Lady of the Night - Winter Mountain
- Strength of Strings - The Dreaming Spires

Mutineers at Sound Control, Manchester
Friday 28th September.

Sam Beeton
Sam Beeton's Record Club just gets better and better! That isn't to say the long list of songs that came before what is now being offered are of any less quality. Indeed, the quality this young singer-songwriter puts out is so high it's a good job I don't suffer with vertigo. There have been 3 volumes in Season 2 so far. The latest offering is called The Night which you can sample below as well as watch a video Sam put up on his own website via YouTube. It shows him working hard on putting down the drums himself. So much talent! If you like what you hear don't forget you can join the Record Club at any point during the year. You will still receive all the songs that have been recorded and sent out up to that point. Much more from Sam to come in the future. In addition to checking out the below make sure you also take a look at the other amazing live acoustic videos Sam did for The Old Vinyl Factory Sessions. They are sublime!
Sam Beeton, Jeckyll and the man from The Old Vinyl Factory Sessions on Vimeo.
Angel Kelly
I cannot neglect to mention the track playing by Angel Kelly is available as a single via iTunes >>here<< so get clicking and buying. I'm eagerly awaiting the follow up EP to Angel Song which is sure to be another fantastic offering. Keep up to date via Angel's website and you can follow her on Twitter @AngelKellyB.
Andrew Page
Andrew Page seems to be one very busy chap I must say. Every couple of days recently he seems to be loading up a new video on YouTube. Be it a cover of some inspiring classic or one of his own fantastic tunes from debut album Open The Door, they always knock my socks off so to speak. Every time I've written or spoken about Mr Page I've made it crystal clear how desperate I am to see him perform and this need is thanks to the many videos of various performances, I have had the pleasure to watch. In fact, in light of all these amazing places he has played and is playing (on the sofa, rooftop, park bench) I wonder if he'd pop up and play in my front room?
He is appearing at Grendon Festival and while this is not too far away from me, it is unlikely I may be able to make it down that weekend. Unlikely is not impossible however so with a bit of added luck (come on luck, shine down on me) I may well end up down there and having this wish fulfilled. Andrew was kind enough to sign up as the first artist to play in one of my campervan live sessions next year. In spirit, I know, with nothing set just yet. But if it all does fall into place what a wonderful kind of gig it could make. Follow Andrew on Twitter @andrewpagemusic.
Aidan Logan
Aidan's most recent gig was at Auntie Annies in Belfast last Thursday. He has kindly offered to chip in for my own personal helicopter so I can get over for the next gig. In which case I can probably make the Mutineers gig on 28th September too. Without the upheaval of moving all my stuff and life up to Manchester. I guess it is bad for my carbon footprint, however. Fear not though as Aidan is also working on a teleportation device I can use instead. Although to be fair I wouldn't want this scientific project to interfere with the recording of his album, which I believe is entering its final phase. Exciting. I cannot wait to hear more of this guy's songs. The album is set to be quality and definitely one for the collection. Follow Aidan on Twitter @AidanLogan.
Under A Banner
The website describes them perfectly as an intense and powerful alternative/acoustic rock band with an impassioned core of two musicians. Adam Broadhurst on vocals, all guitars, keyboards, harmonica and the mighty writer of such wonderful lyrics. Jonathan Millington plays drums, percussion and cajon.
The whole ethos to these guys is one that encourages the value of the worthy but so far as music being about human nature and experience as opposed to the hollow tosh current pop music seems to be. Perhaps some music has always been such tosh (thinking back to the 80's PWL era, here but people still buy this stuff so the debate can go many ways I suppose)? For some proper well written, powerful and emotive songs make sure you visit Under A Banner's website where you'll find all kinds of links.
Also keep up to date with them via Twitter @underabanner where I am certain Adam will be tweeting about the release of the album! It is going to be a corker!
A Tribute to Nebraska - 30 years on.... at:
The Slaughtered Lamb in London - Sunday 30th September.

The event is being run by Clubhouse Records, Arkster Promotions and friends who are all coming together '...to celebrate one of Bruce Springsteen's most enduring records, Nebraska, 30 years to the day after its original release'.
It runs from 19:30 to 23:00 and performing on the night will be:

It is set to be something truly special so grab one of the final remaining tickets (8 at time of writing this) because at just £6 per ticket what is the excuse for not going along? I mean for those of you in and around London or who have the ability to get there. Sadly, that is not my case at present. *cries* Click >>here<< for tickets.
I caught the tail end of Hi & Lo's set at Truck Festival a few weeks ago and really enjoyed it. I wish I'd have made it earlier for the whole thing but I have no doubt I will be seeing them play at some point over the next few months and if not then next year for sure.
Get listening to the below too. This is currently a FREE EP, The Proud Surrender from Trevor Moss and Hannah-Lou recorded on a 4-track cassette in a barn in rebel country, the Pay De La Loire, France. Songs are taken from their forthcoming album La Femme De Fontenaille due for release on 5th November. You can pre-order this now should you wish by clicking >>here<<.
More Chess Anyone?

I have been exchanging messages with Ed from the band regards music including the Avett Brothers, who's album 4 Thieves, I did already have but hadn't listened to at that point. After seeing a cover Ed put up on YouTube I checked out the album and loved it so I will be looking more into the Avett Brothers soon as I get chance. In addition to this, he pointed me in the direction of Matthew and the Atlas, a London-based UK folk band. Ironic that it took this message exchange with an American musician for me to be introduced to a UK band that are based just over an hour's drive down the road. I'm very grateful for the recommendations though, thanks Ed.
When checking out the videos Pawns or Kings have on offer up at YouTube I stumbled across a few covers as well. The guys have their new EP, Pomme de Terre, due out imminently and I was sent an MP3 of one of the tracks, Names and Maps which is outstanding. The guys actually filmed them recording it as part of their popular Silo Sessions and you can watch that video below. At first I thought the name of the EP was just something to do with France or the french language but I am informed it comes from the Pomme de Terre river. Oh to live amongst the magical lands of the Ozarks. It sounds like my kind of place with some amazing people to boot. Right, I think my plans of relocating to Manchester and Ludlow to take in gigs will need revision. I am moving to the Ozarks. End of discussion. *checks flights* It is certainly a place now added to my long list places in the US I still need to visit.

Their cover of Souls Like Wheels by the Avett Brothers blew me away (there, I've said it for the first time this show). Watch, listen and see if it does the same to you. I know it will! You can view that >>here<<.
Tom Morris And You Were The Hunter ALBUM release

Out of Fiction, in to Fact:
Having been recently signed up to Engineer Records, Kent-based alternative rock band I.R.I.S have spent most of this year out on the road playing various gigs in support of their smashing EP Out Of Fiction. It is one hell of a banging selection of songs that really blows the roof off wherever you might play them (unless you're outside in which case it may just blow the first few layers of the atmosphere off instead). They released the EP independently just before getting their deal which saw them re-release it in full splendour. These guys are ones to watch so please sample the EP below and get buying if this is your style. Keep updated with them because they are due to announce some exciting tour news very soon. You can follow them on Twitter @irisbanduk.
Meet Mr Carroll courtesy of Tom Smith
I simply MUST include another song from the amazing Tom Smith from Dublin. I will be playing a song from Tom in a podcast very soon and will be featuring much more about him in a future blogcast. For the moment just enjoy this latest offering from him, which is magnificent!
Don't Throw Stones at Grimsell in the Glasshouse
Another great recent find. Or actually, I believe Rob Hirst followed me on Twitter first. Some amazing songs up on the soundcloud page which really ended my Monday in true style last week. Music like this is how all Monday's need to finish. It is Monday today (hopefully, if I finish writing this up in time), so why not end yours with this tasty track.
Sean Taylor
I first saw Sean Taylor at Beautiful Days festival last year and thoroughly enjoyed his set. I must admit with so much new music all about me this year I had not followed up on him as I should have done. I am seeking to rectify this and will start by featuring this inspiring video featuring his song, Stand Up. The video itself was put together by Colm McCarthy and the song is from Sean's forthcoming album Love Against Death. Sean dedicates the song to the anti-cuts and Occupy Movements all over the world. You see, very inspiring indeed! More from Sean to come in due course.

The Reckless Shrimp Festival
Ludlow - 15th & 16th September
Ludlow has a castle. Ludlow also has its very own festival of folk, americana and roots music. Therefore, before moving my life to Manchester so I am able to get along to the Mutineers gig mentioned above, I plan to also move to Ludlow along the way. Then I'll be able to get myself to this magnificent event. The added bonus with Reckless Shrimp (I know that sounds like some dodgy Chinese dish the way I wrote that) is that it is all indoors so whatever the late summer weather, you'll be covered. Now, following the majority of this summer featuring endless downpours it is most likely September will be as dry and hot as hell. However, even if it isn't there is no risk of being rained on at Reckless Shrimp. I speak (again, type!) from experience after attending Bakewell Festival which was all indoors too. For the most part the weather for that weekend was great. It was dry and hot, sunny and warm. However on the Sunday the downpours came so it was handy to be indoors for the majority of it.
The festival itself has a beautiful ethos at its core which you can read more about at the website >>here<<. Amongst the many artists playing are the below I'd love to be able to make it for. The others will no doubt be every bit as amazing as these but the below are just on my own personal list at the moment:
Jim Moray
The Dreaming Spires
Butch Hancock (2 sets)
Ewan McLennan
Danny George Wilson
The Hi & Lo
Trevor Moss & Hannah-Lou
iTunes Festival 2012 - SEPTEMBER
Who can complain about a totally FREE music festival held at such a prestigious venue as The Roundhouse in Camden, London? The iTunes Festival is in its third year this year and for a reason I've not researched I'm afraid, the month long event is happening in September as opposed to July. I applied for a handful of the nights last year as I did the year before but I was unsuccessful. That first year however, I managed to bag what I'd say were probably the most sought after tickets. It was the year of their breakthrough into the mainstream even though they have a sound as far from it as you can probably get. Mumford and Sons who were supported that evening by Laura Marling. Larua was amazing showcasing what was her latest album at the time, I Speak Because I Can, I had a bit of a strop because so many people were talking so loudly it was drowning out her beautiful music. I could have hit people, honestly. But then that would not have been in the spirit of tranquility and all that jazz. Thankfully I refrained from doing so and proceeded to enjoy Mumford and Sons while surrounded by an ocean of youngsters. So yes, thanks iTunes. Made me feel ancient. It was totally worth it to see the band live and perform a catalogue of their smash hits from Sigh No More.
I am yet to see them again having failed to secure tickets for one of their stopover gigs at several lesser played at towns throughout the UK. I tried on three different devices simultaneously but it was crazy!
I've said before, it is strange this band specifically have been accepted such as they have in this way. It makes it so hard for true fans to be able to get to them and enjoy. That isn't a swipe at those sheep who follow what they're told to. Or who follow what is trendy and 'in the news' even though it kind of is the way of it. I'm all for Mumford and Sons having their place in the limelight because they do deserve it. I just think it's a shame for so many other similar bands who aren't given the time of day. Even though they play a similar style. Anyway, apologies this wasn't meant to be a rant about the music industry or anything like that.
Band of Horses & Jack White
Jake Bugg & The Killers
One Republic & Matchbox Twenty
Frightened Rabbit & Biffy Clyro
Willy Mason & Mumford and Sons
Time to bring this blogcast to a close. I honestly just keep going on but there is always so much I want to share or feature. Sadly, there are always going to be things I have to neglect or miss out but they will have their place at some point. This little nugget is so late an addition if I'd have not have had the technical issues with my laptop (the damn mousepad) it wouldn't have featured. It was only uploaded a few hours ago and I saw a Facebook update from the band's Jay Tennant. This is a demo from new band The Silent Union. I don't have room to say more just now but expect to hear more from them in the future.
The next podcast will be something a little different. It will be a streaming only special so I may feature a few bands and artists I'm not able to get necessary permissions from to feature on the downloadable podcast. There will be a few more established but still indie based acts, which I'm really looking forward to playing. Normal service will then resume with podcast #9.
Until then, peace to all of you. Thanks for listening and reading.
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